National Association for
Family and Community Education
Strengthening individuals, families and communities through continuing education, developing leadership and community action. (National FCE Mission Statement)
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Essay and Artwork Contest Info & Guidelines
The objective of the contest is to promote ethics among children using the "Six Pillars of Character". The contest encourages students to improve their writing and drawing skills along with creating public awareness in the achievement of students. This contest allows local FCE members to participate in a nationwide project and to promote and market FCE to the community during National FCE Week.
Any current fourth grade student attending a public, private or home school is eligible to participate in the FCE Essay and Artwork Contest. The contest begins September 1 and runs through March 31 with promotion announced during National FCE Week.
The National first, second and third place winners will be announced at the National FCE Conference. The winners will receive Visa gift cards of $250, $125, and $50, respectively.
Each year a different character value will be the theme from the "Six Pillars of Character". The contest themes are:
- Trustworthiness
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Fairness
- Caring
- Citizenship
Note: Please see the FORMS tab on the website for complete forms and theme for each year.
Guidelines for the Essay and Artwork Contest may be obtained by contacting your state president or by contacting , this Website, or National FCE Headquarters:
Postmarked by April 15
National FCE Essay & Artwork Contest
73 Cavalier Blvd Ste 106
Florence, KY 41042
4th Grade Students can win Visa Gift Card or check of $250, $150, $50 respectively
The objective of the contest is to promote ethics among children using the "Six Pillars of Character," to encourage students to improve their writing and drawing skills, to create public awareness in the achievement of students and to create an opportunity for local FCE members to participate in a nationwide project and to promote and market FCE to the community during FCE week.
Any current fourth grade student attending a public, private or home school is eligible to participate in the FCE Essay and Artwork Contest.
The contest encourages students to strive for excellence in:
Reading and writing skills
Drawing skills
Understanding the CHARACTER COUNTS! program
Dates for contest: September 1 - March 31, with promotion announced during National FCE Week (Second full week in October)
Contest Guidelines:
(See current Contest Forms for complete instructions)
Submit all entries for judging by April 15th.
National FCE CHARACTER COUNTS! Essay & Artwork Contest
National FCE Headquarters
73 Cavalier Blvd Ste 106
Florence, KY 41042
Phone: 877-712-4477
First place entry will be submitted to State Contest, with first place State winner forwarded to National FCE Headquarters for judging. The same judging criteria of creativity, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, content, vocabulary, presentation and handwriting/ printing are used on all levels.
First, second and third place National Winners of the Essay and Artwork Contest receive Visa Gift Card or check of $250, $150, $50 respectively. The winners will be announced at the National FCE Conference.
We encourage you to promote the contest with 4th grade students. Please visit our Forms page to print the guidelines and obtain the needed forms to leave at your local school and give to the parents.
Contact State and County FCE Presidents for more information, or call National FCE Headquarters at 877-712-4477.